What is QUEST For Excellence? The St. Joseph Catholic School Annual Fund, named “QUEST For Excellence,” is a campaign that takes place once each year and helps to provide funds for items not covered by tuition or traditional Home and School Association fundraising efforts. It is a financial campaign which seeks to keep our school competitive, our facilities current, provide a retention bonus to our fabulous faculty/staff and provide those families who are in special need with financial assistance. The donations will be used for building enhancements, faculty/staff retention bonuses and tuition assistance.
Thank you for all of your generous donations
for the 2015-2016 school year!
Our goal was $30,000 and we raised $33,018.88.
QUEST for Excellence donors listed -- and numerous anonymous donors or “Silent
Knights” -- include those who donated through the North Texas Day of Giving.
Ms. Aguinaga
The Aguirre Family
Arielle Akinwumi
Michelle Alejandro
Katherine Amerine
Brianna Arias
Allan & Karen Beck
Courtney Beltz
Richard Bennett
Eric, Hilda and Harry Black
Karen Borta
Shanna Brennan
Sally Brown
Daniel & Tammy Bryant
Rocky & Alice Cantu/
Blue Rock Marketing
Miguel & Carola Cardenas
Sara Casey
Allison Chan
Shih-Ho Chao
Hong Chen
Sebastian and Camille Ciacchella
Mrs. Shannon Connors
Kim and Travis Coomer
Mr. Randy Cordova
The Corneil Family
Carlos Coscio
Troy & Shirley Cox
Angelo Crisafulli
Mr. & Mrs. Evarest Dike
Vanessa Do
Mrs. Doan
Dominican Sisters
Doug & Missy Doskocil
Eddy & Michelle Doskocil
Jason & Gina Doskocil
Ben & Mary Frances Doskocil
Jerome English
Dawn Etheridge
Prichard Family
Ildefonso Family
Angadicheril Family
Aos Family
Ricca Family
The Nagid Family
Gillen Family
Heid Family
Aos Family
Cowden Family
Garcia Family
Valerie Fell
Robert & Kitty Firman
The Flamiano Family
George and Melissa Gallagher
Bill Gamble
Mike and Judy Gavin
Armin & Linda Gerstenmeier
Greg Gillen
Glenn Gillen
Ms. Gillen
Gavin D. Gillen
Mary Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Govlik
Francine Grasso-Regan
The Grogan Family
Dr. Phillip Guerra
Angie L. & Salvador H. Guzman
Gregory Hayes
Vicky Hess
Breck Hilger
Jeannine Hoang
Kenneth and Judith Hromcik
Colby and Cheryl Horton
Burnie and Beth Huddleston
The Huffman Family
Anita Ikowe
Ferdinand and Mary Jimenez
Michael & Jane Kahanek
Bryan and Charlotte Keever
David Kelson
Aunt Kirstie
Matthew Kotylo
Maryanne Kotylo
Joe & Margaret Kotylo
Christopher Kribs
Timeekah Lane
Rosa and Ariel Lara
Quang Le
Henry Le
Christine Le
Mr. Quyen Le
Kathleen Le
Mary Lewis
Danielle Lewis
Rose Lewis
Leah Limpert
Austin Mackey
Kathleen Maddock
Larry & Mary Helen Maddock
Leyla McCarty
The McColgan Family
Micheal Mendez
Jeanette Mendoza
Sandra Mitchell
Kelly Munsch
Catherine Musembi
Miss Kate Nguyen
Duke Nguyen
Kevin & Donna O’Malley
Mrs. Obodo
Mrs. Karen Olson
Robert & Juanita Ornelas
Ovi & Susan Ozuna
Cora Padilla
John & Mandy Parker
George and Jennifer Paschall
Heather & Tony Pearson
Noel Perez
Patty Perez-Vavrin
Lionel & Linh Pham
Mr. Thomas Pham
Dr. Chi Pham
Brandy Pollifrone
Dennis Poquiz
Norberto & Celerina Poquiz
Mark and Toni Pouttu
Dr. J. Patrick Reeves and Family
Charles & Linda Reilly
John & Kathy Rhadigan
Mary Ann Ricca
Chad and Caryn Riley
Greg & Erin Ross
Michael & Carol Ross
Donna Sauma
Ron & Marie Sauma
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Schuster
Charlene Schwartz
Preetha Sebastian
Jennifer Seed
Tanya Seyfert
Kim Stewart
Kenny & Connie Sticker
John & Kathleen Sugrue
Julia Sutterfield Gary & Kathy Tackett
(In memory of Frances Ridgley) Dustin Tran & Amanda Vu
Tots and Tykes Pediatrics
Ray & Margarita Turco
Raymond Turco & Associates
Karen Turner
Miriam Varela
Paul & Michelle Varga
Carol Velez
Sheila Velez
Dr. Paul Vu
Savanh Vu
Ha Vu
Amanda Vu & Dustin Tran
Randy Wagoner
Sharon Waldrep
Richard Watson
Carolyn Westerlage
The Westover Family
Gary Wheeler
Mr. Rick Whittington
Jay and Cris Wong
Randy & Lori Zalesak