Mrs. Powell grew up as part of the Arlington community and graduated from Kennedale High School. She then attended TCC and the University of Texas at Arlington where she worked toward a Bachelor of Arts in English. She was blessed to have the opportunity to use her skills in the classroom and was a pre-kindergarten teacher at a local private school for 23 years before the opportunity to join SJCS presented itself. She has been married to her husband, Patric, for 26 years and is the parent of two adult daughters. Her oldest, Mackenzie, recently graduated from the University of Georgia / Augusta University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and is a trauma nurse at University of North Carolina Medical Center at Chapel Hill. Trinity, Mrs. Powell’s youngest daughter, is currently a student at Oklahoma State University pursuing a degree in Sports Management and Marketing. In addition to her role at SJCS, Mrs. Powell is a voracious reader and finds cooking to be a rewarding activity. She and her husband enjoy experiencing new dining options at local eating establishments and exploring our great state via road trips! The Powell family can also be found as part of St. Vincent de Paul’s parish. Mrs. Powell feels blessed to be a part of St. Joseph Catholic School’s community and is excited to assist in any way she can.