made up of 7 voting members and supported by non-voting parish representatives, SJCS president, Spiritual Life, Development, Finance council, principal, Pastoral representative part of the Diocese of Fort Worth and thus governed by the Bishop.
What does the Advisory Council Do?
The Advisory Council:
discusses and determines how SJCS can most effectively carry out the school's mission (much like an auditor or evaluator)
develops, guides and assures compliance with the direction of the school
The Advisory Council also:
Reviews the structure and policies of SJCS (spiritual, educational, and institutional needs)
Establishs broad goals and the vision for the school (strategic planning)
Assures the school, through the principal’s leadership, follows the vision and reaching established goals
Works with the principal to prepare the annual budget
Monitors all other associations, councils, committees, and all other persons and groups associated with the school to assure the common road is followed for the spiritual and educational excellence of our school
The Advisory Council Does Not:
Discipline Students or Teachers
Hire or determine salaries of teachers/staff
Develop curriculum or approve instructional materials